Commercial Heat & Cooling Solutions
We Next TECH CNC PVT LTD is authorise sales channel FOR SEELAY INTERNATIONAL (AUSTRALIA) to provide customised coolant handling and filtration systems for wide varieties of metal machining and grinding applications.
Seeley International is Australia's largest air conditioning manufacturer and a global leader in developing ingenious, energy-efficient cooling and heating products. and his vision is to lead the world in creating climate control solutions which continue to be highly innovative, of premium quality and inspirational in their delivery of energy-efficiency.
A commitment to innovation and excellence is at the heart of all that we do. Our success in delivering on that commitment has been recognised by our many awards and our expanding global presence. Seeley International now exports to more than 100 countries.
Cooling Systems
We are now associates with Seeley International for providing Cooling Systems to our customers.
For Cooling Systems
Call @ 09416108449
Email @ sales.nextechcnc@gmail.com

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