Coolant Handling Systems

We Next TECH CNC PVT LTD is authorise sales channel with U- Tech Associates (Bangalore) to provide customised coolant handling and filtration systems for wide varieties of metal machining and grinding applications.

At U TECH Associates we specialize in a variety of industries. We devote our time and resources to engineering products to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of our customers. We take pride in being the industry leaders with our advanced technology and team of experienced professionals leading the way. Each product is designed for a particular industry to enhance productivity, reduce costs and improve accuracy.

Why is coolant filtration important in metalworking industries?

Our coolant filtration systems are designed to operate at optimal temperatures in metalworking industries. Furthermore, the flow rates and clarities are specially designed for a metalworking atmosphere to ensure that the coolant is provided to the tool at the temperature and pressure necessary for effective operation.

What does the coolant filtration do for your business?

Every piece of technology we manufacture is designed with this question in mind. We keep our customers interests in mind when we design our filters, so maintenance and overall costs are minimized. The coolant filtration systems do more for your business than you may realize. The systems eliminate the need for additional maintenance, which increase the operational costs of your business. Our machines are configured to require little to no maintenance and additional upkeep, which can be one of the high costs of manufacturing parts. The filters keep coolant clean, ensuring that you can meet your part cleanliness specs.

We believe that not every product will suit your needs. We understand that in order for you to make the most of your system, customizing certain technologies must be an option. We offer custom-designed and engineered coolant filtration systems made to your specific needs. Our experience and expertise in the industry allows us to design and install systems custom to your needs.

For Coolant Handling Systems

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We provides following Coolant Handling Systems

Compacto Compact Band Filter

Fitrowac Bag and Cartridge Filter

Cool Clean

N'Trap Magnetic Separator

Coolant Centrifuge


Olio Oil Skimmer

Paper Band Filter

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